Innovation Training & Strategy


Research & Insights.


Our leadership development expertise is based on our globally recognized research on new technologies, business model transformation, and human capital innovation. We partner with organizations globally to co-create new proprietary research in specific technology domains and industries. We also regularly release public-facing research reports and articles to educate the wider public, some of which you can find below.

Award-Winning Research on the Future of Work

In response to the Covid19 pandemic, Geolab partnered with the Ferrazzi Greenlight Research Institute and Harvard University to identify the most transformative changes in workplace innovation and the future of work.

We virtually convened over 2,000 C-suite executives, thought leaders, and change-makers from 300 companies across the globe to collaborate and innovate how we work in a post-pandemic environment. This initiative, called Go Forward To Work, crowdsourced solutions to the most pressing business challenges facing business today, from collaboration and inclusion, to team resilience, employee wellness, hybrid teams and distributed work.

The results of this global research project were published in our book “Competing in the New World of Work” by Harvard Business Review, which has been translated into 6 languages and reached the top of the Wall Street Journal bestseller list. Get your copy here.